Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Emily Dickinson and the Dark

What is it about darkness that leaves us feeling a little uneasy?


What could be lurking out there? 

For myself...a few things come to mind.
Darkness can represent so much more then just monsters. Just as light can have a vast variety of meanings.

The dark gives me a sense of mystery, and a desire to explore it.
In Emily Dickinson's "419," there was a strong theme of darkness present. But it wasn't a scary or evil type, it was more adventurous. I read her poem multiple times and each time I read it something different stood out to me.

First time - darkness
Second time - uncertainty
Third time - a pursuit to understand

I felt all three of these thoughts, moved down a path together. One leading right into the other.
Emily Dickinson writes:
"A Moment -- We uncertain step

For newness of the night --
Then -- fit our Vision to the Dark --
And meet the Road -- erect--"
it is in this part that I see the three themes come together.

The second set begins with "We uncertain step." Almost right away get the sense of  I think the human race are natural risk takers, and that we are constantly striving for new great things.

Next it reads "For newness of the night --Then -- fit our Vision to the Dark --" It almost seems like the darkness is considered bright. When I hear new I think of shinny and brilliant. With it written like it is, I feel like I'd have to shade my eyes from the night. But as in most situations in life, we adapt , we are able to see our path and help to understand the choices we might have to make.

Which then leads my thoughts to the end of that set "And meet the road -- erect --". There are still 3 parts left to the poem, but the curiosity to discover starts there.

Emily Dickinson focused a lot on seeing through the dark, so I cant help but wonder if she was writing about her own darkness. Maybe there was a faint longing to venture out and reclaim the light in her life. Just a thought.

For more info on Ms. Dickinson check out this sweet video, and mustache.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog. I like the way you compose it, keeping readers interested with a cool background and related cute pictures/videos. I also like what you had to say about the poem. I had similar thoughts on it.
